Your donation is very important to us.
1960 (from Vivien to Laurence Olivier)
Pussy-cat my darling,
Whatever may happen let us be friends my dearest one. Conachy [Vivien's doctor] has done a
very marvelous thing for me - and I am feeling as I have not felt for many many years.
Perhaps all the interim mistakes have made just too much difference for our life together -
I do not know - and you must leave it up to me to do what I think is best for the future
in my own time. It will take a little while... one does not let twenty five years go lightly.
I feel very deeply in love with Jack Merivale and very dearly grateful to him but it does
not alter the fact that I shall love you all my life and with a tenderness and respect that
is all embracing - I understand very well how difficult - even impossible - it had become...
Let us face that - Well, now that is accomplished and I hope my life will prove a useful and
good one - to many people...
Take care of your precious dearest self.
My love, dear dear heart - Vivling.
May 19th (in fact it was 14th), 1960 (letter with a gift from Vivien to Jack Merivale)
My Darling - why I have written My 19th on this
little present I don't know - but as I love you every
day of the year - it matters not - I hope very much
that you will like it - use it - and not lose it - it is
to thank you for your kindness and goodness to
me. It is to tell you that I love you - my beloved.
May 31st, 1960 ( from Vivien to Jack Merivale)
My Darling,
This is to thank you most formally for my really
beautiful presents. I love them and shall treasure them and enjoy them.
It is also to put in writing that I love you
and I absolutely love you - So there -
July 14, 1960 (from Vivien Leigh)
Dearest Arnold -
How very sweet of you to think of me on
the opening night. Thank you so very much.
The play went wonderfully well and the
reception at the end was very exciting.
I love being back here again and seeing some old friends.
With my love
23 August, 1960. The Huntington Hotel, San Francisco, CA (from Vivien to Mr. Paul Burkhardt)
Mr. Paul Burkhardt
310 High Street
Modesto, California
dear Mr. Burkhardt:
Thank you so much for your kind letter, I am delighted you enjoyed the performance.
I'm afraid I haven't any 8 x 10 photographs right now, and will
enclose an autographed photo which
I hope you will like.
I've been enjoying this tour of
the United States immensely, and find San Francisco perfectly delightful.
Thank you once again for your very kind letter, and gracious wishes.
Sincerely yours,
Vivien Leigh
?.. 1960s (on the PanAm airliner, Vivien handed her letter to Jack on landing)
My Darling Love,
I am on my way to you with a
beating heart - and the only point of this little scribble is that it makes me feel nearer.
I wonder every minute if you are awake. I was at 5.00 this morning… This has been a most
extraordinary week. I think the most extraordinary of my life. Alone and yet so infinitely
close to you. Sweet dear love, I ache and long to see you.
8th May, 1961
My dear Joyce
Thank you very much for your letter, it is most thoughtful of you to write and inquire about
my injury, which is much better, I'm glad to say!
Yes, I do indeed love my new country home, and although it isn't precisely the way I want it
to be just yet, I'm sure I'll enjoy living there very much.
At the moment I'm very busy at rehearsals for the forthcoming tour which I look forward to
doing so much, but I would be delighted to see you for a moment before rehearsals some morning
at Finsbury Park, if you'll only let me know when.
With my very best wishes to you always,
Yours sincerely,
Vivien Leigh
P.S. Rehearsals start at 10-30 & finish ... at 5pm
November 13th, 1961 (from Vivien to Bryan O'Byrne)
Dear Bryan,
How very sweet of you to remember my birthday.
I do hope "Sweet Bird of Youth" will be
a lovely success for you and that you enjoy it.
Our plans are still not quite settled
but negotiations are going on for South America.
All my best wishes
to you.
Vivien Leigh
December 16th, 1961
Dear Mr Bartulla,
Thank you so much for your letter.
I'm delighted to know that you enjoyed "Gone with the Wind".
I enclose a photograph which I hope you will like.
Your sincerely,
Vivien Leigh
Feb. 11, 1963, Boston Ritz Carleton (from Vivien to Laurence Olivier)
Darling Darling Larry -
You cannot ever know how very much your letter meant to me today -
How really adorable of you to take time to write - when you have such a fearsome amount on your
plate at this time. It was so lovely to have such a lot of news of you. I have been so really
worryingly low and with your dear letter with me my spirits took a leap.
Thank you darling so very much.
There is an awesome amount of work to be done on "Tovarich" some of it has not been
written yet. The though of new (something) naturally alarms me dreadfully. It's not a very
POOR voice, darling I am told it's in tune! I hardly drink at all either. That's a good thing
isn't it? You are the wonderful one to be getting on all these committees - how fortunate they
are to have you. I am sorry your piece was a disappointment after all your labour to give
tells me you are just brilliant in it but they don't seem to like the play...
I send you all my love my darling. My thoughts are with you at the very least one hundred
times a day and my dearest wishes, always.
God bless you my love
The letter Vivien Leigh wrote to Jackie Kennedy after the assassination of JFK
Nov 23rd, '63
Dear Mrs Kennedy,
May I please add, personally - my thoughts & prayers to those of millions.
Although I am not a citizen of your country - as an...a personal and never
to be forgotten sorrow. Thank you for all you both stand for in the world.
Yours sincerely & in deepest sympathy
Vivien Leigh
May 10th, 1965. Manchester (from Vivien to Cindy Dietz)
My darling Cindy, It seems forever since I heard from you. I think about you and miss you. You will have herd from Paul [Osborn, the author of the play LA CONTESSA] of our troubles. He was so dear and helpful when he was here, and I am so deeply hurt for him over the disappointment. It just doesn't seem to be the sort of play they want to see here at this time. Anyway, when I think of the years and work he put into it, it is heartbreaking. I do hope all his present ventures will make up it in some measure. I simply do not know what I shall do next. This is the last week and of course it is distressing playing on knowing we are not going in [to London].
August 20th, 1965. Tickerage Mill (from Vivien to Cindy Dietz)
My darling Cindy - I did not come over for the Ship of Fools premiere for a number of reasons. Principally because of having to be available to see whatever characters turned up fot Tickerage - moreover film premieres are not my idea of bliss! I read and read plays old and new but so far have found nothing I really find fascinating enough to do. I do not care for this enforced idleness one bit.
December 29th, 1965 (from Vivien to Cindy Dietz)
The present arrival date is February 3rd, but we have not settled where to stay in New York during the two weeks rehearsals. They will be pretty hectic, I imagine, as quite a hunk of the cash will be needed. We are rehearsing whenever possible here. I spent Christmas with the whole family [Gertrude, Jack, Suzanne, Robin, the three children, and Leigh]. Very noisy it was. But great fun too!
May 28th, 1967. Tickerage Mill (from Vivien to Jack Merivale)
My Darling one - this is to tell you that you are
going to be wonderful - Please try enjoy it dear
heart - All my thoughts and love are with you
every minute. You are only wicked not to allow
me to share tonight with you. I love you.
Your Angelica.
July 2nd, 1967 (from Vivien to Cindy Dietz)
My darling - I am so silly and outraged to the eyeballs these days - I cannot remember whether I answered your angelic cable. Isn't this a fair beast? So unexpected, too. Everyone has been angelic. The play is only postponed, not cancelled. I study it all the time in the hope I might understand it all one day. Forgive this more than usual dreadful handwriting, but the drugs they give me make me sillier than ever. He writes me a lot but I think he is going through hell. Noël is here, which is a joy. Jack has made a whacking success in The Last of Mrs. Cheyney at Guilford. They soon come into the Phoenix (He seems rather pleased with himself - for him!) My love to you both my darling Cindy - Vivien.
1967, three weeks before her death (from Vivien to Angus McBean)
My darling Angus, through your surrealistic photographic images of me, you made me a greater
actress than I will ever be on stage. Though Larry and I are not together any more, we remain
wedded in our joint love for you. I am certain that someday, far, far into the future, when you
ascend to Heaven, God will make you his official photographer. It saddens me at times how England
has treated some of its greatest artists, but you have triumphed over your enemies. Heaps of love on you,
you dear, dear man.
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